Quick Start


First, you need to make sure that WikiDL package has been installed properly. You can use any package management solution you like (e.g. pip, conda, etc.).

The Simplest Example

from wikidl import WikiDL

downloader = WikiDL(
downloaded_files = downloader.start(output_dir='./output')

Above code is downloading the latest articles dump (LAD) on Apr 1st, 2023, into ./output folder. It uses 3 CPUs of your machine to download files in parallel.

You can use any number of processes as you wish. However, dump provider (either Wikimedia or third-party mirror provider) may limit the number of parallel connections in order to provide fair services for everyone. You may see 503 error if your defined number of processes exceeds the router limitation at server side.

If you are willing to see the current progress by filenames, you can add this following argument to WikiDL constructor:

downloader = WikiDL(

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